About This book
"Duality is the Illusion" will help you unlock your highest potential. This book will guide you to connect with your inner wisdom and enhance your spiritual awareness. It will help you identify and modify negative behaviors that keep you stuck in past patterns that no longer serve your life. It will explore techniques that foster your growth, allowing you to navigate life with confidence and clarity. Whether you are a beginner or looking to deepen your practice,
It is available at Amazon
About this book
"Reunions In the Afterlife" Is a love story staged in the afterlife. It is derived from my experience guiding people throught past life regressions and life between life regressions, along with direct channeling. It paints a picture of what life beyond the veil is like and the fullness our our soul as we traverse throught the dimensions to grow as spiritual beings.
About this book
"Four Simple Truths" is a small channeled book that goes directly to the bottom line of who we are, where we are, and what we are attempting to do as part of the human experiement on this planet at this time. A simple and very thought provoking read. It was downloaded to me on one 14hr setting while i was in the midst of writing my upcoming book "Don't Feed The Dragon".
Down and Dirty Tarot" Is for those who choose to become a serious and ethical Tarot Reader. It will walk you through the mechanics as well as the spiritual mindset of a caring and professional reader.
"Getting a Psychic Reading". is a small book that will aquaint you with the different types of readings and what to expect from them. Different types of readings yield different results. The word psychic can be applied to many different intuitive modalities. Being informed will allow you to choose what you would like to experience.